Eventually, as time permits Complete copies of

all  back issues of the Newsletter will be added to 

this web site.

  See The latest Newsletter and a list of Back Issues currently availble

The Early Immigrants

    Johann Phillips Stockmann
      Johann Engel Stockmann
    Johann Georg Stockmann
        These three brothers, from Burbach a community in the Duchy of Nassau-Siegen were joined in the New World on 18 Oct. 1766 by their brother
     Johannes Peter Stockmann

Meet the Editor

Lee Stockman created the Stockman Family Newsletter in  March 1986.  It was first produced on a little Apple 2-e. The basic purpose for the Newsletter was the preservation of family history information that had been developed by many dedicated family researchers.  Copies of past issues are on file in the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, UT;  The Public Library in Fort Worth, TX; and the Dallas Public Library, Dallas, TX as well as in the personal collections of several hundred subscribers.

The great advantage of a Newsletter is that the next issues can carry corrections of errors perviously printed.

For information about the Stockman Family Newsletter or to discuss  any Stockman ancestor
e-mail us at:  LeeT /at/stockmanfamily.net
After clicking link, change /at/ to @.  Thus we avoid spam search engines.
Thank you